
Password-protection feature

Password-protection feature of intelligent UART LCD module sometimes plays a very important role in some fields, such as bank system. The typical application is ATM. 
It is necessary to protect the display itself against misuse, so it is recommended that the UART LCD module has a user-password, which has to be sent to the serial display terminal after power-on. Without the user-password the display will not show any picture. Besides, it is recommended that the UART LCD module has a supervisor-password. Without the supervisor-password the display will not readout the pictures stored in its memory, so this supervisor-password acts like a read-protection for the display-memory. Lastly, it is recommended that the UART LCD module has a diag-password. Without the diag-password the display will not change its picture memory, therefore this diagnostic password will act like a write-protection for the display-memory. The feature aims to provide service and displays to medical and instrumentation companies as well as to bank houses.
It is absolutely necessary to protect the UART LCD module and its memory from any manipulation or misuse. If there is no password-feature implemented, then there is almost no chance for the UART LCD module to go into the said fields. If customers have such requirements, we are in the position to revise our software and add password feature accordingly.

