LCD driver IC is a semiconductor device products, collectively, including: integrated circuits (integratedcircuit, abbreviations: IC), two transistors,
, Special electronic components, and then some talk also covers all general electronic components like resistors, capacitors, circuit board / PCB board, and many other related products.
IC can be classified according to function: digital IC, analog IC, and other microwave IC, in which the digital IC is the most widely used in recent years, the fastest-growing IC varieties. IC is a digital transmission, processing, digital signal processing IC, digital IC can be divided into general and special digital IC.
Universal IC: are those the user more extensive field of use, standards-based circuits, such as memory (DRAM), microprocessor (MPU) and microcontroller (MCU), reveals the status and level of digital IC.
Specific IC (ASIC): refers to a specific user, a special purpose or special circuit design.
Currently, there are several IC products design, production and sales model.
1. IC manufacturers (IDM) to design, by its own production line processing, packaging, testing the finished product after the sale of the chip itself.
2. IC design company (Fabless) processing technology with the standard line (Foundry) combination. Chip design company will have the final physical layout design to the Foundry manufacturing the same, also commissioned a professional manufacturer packaging and testing completed, the finished product as an IC chip design company's products on their own sales. Analogy, Fabless equivalent to authors and publishers, and Foundry is equivalent to printing, played industries "leading"role should be the former.